Join us for rugby skills and training in a fun and friendly environment! No Experience Necessary!!

U5 rugby kids are learning to coordinate running with a ball, attempting to kick and working on passing. We play a lot of games and keep them running, having fun and making new friends.

U7s rugby is an introduction to flag rugby with an emphasis on learning how to pass backwards and run forwards, learning how to kick and learning how to play offence and defense.

U9s rugby builds on the skills learned at U7s and adds in passing 1-2 players before a score will be allowed, encouraging further team work and support for play. Longer and further passes and kicks are taught as well as additions to offensive plays and defensive tactics.

U11s rugby begin to introduce contact and tackling after the first few weeks of flag rugby. Children are taught in a safe environment regarding all contact and tackling and only by certified coaches who have also taken our SAFE RUGBY course with concussion protocols.

U13 and U15 rugby is gender specific and introduces full tackles with the addition of rucking, scrums and lineouts. Children are taught in a safe environment regarding all contact and tackling and only by certified coaches who have also taken our SAFE RUGBY course with concussion protocols.